Friday Feature: Solid Waste Driver David Mccormack

What started as a summer job during his senior year of high school turned into a career for Solid Waste Driver, David Mccormack.

“They called me in for an interview, and I gave my mom the dirtiest look that morning, but I went,” he said. “I told my mom, ‘I’m not going to be there forever,’ and until she died, she would say that back to me every now and then. I’ve got two more years until I can retire. The first job I ever had is the only job I’ve ever had.”

Over the years, David has learned the ins and outs of solid waste management along with how to drive each kind of truck the city uses and assists with training others. He’s also seen firsthand how technology has changed the job. For instance, when the City started collecting yard waste, David would have to cut each bag open. Now, yard waste is picked up in paper bags, which can go in with the rest of it.

“Most people think I drive around all day and sit in that truck. I have to get out and move trash cans around,” he said. “People put trash cans right up against each other, and I move them. The next week I come back up to the house, the trash cans are against each other again so I have to move them. I have to get out to move trash cans or if something falls out of the trailer … I have to pick all that stuff up.”

When he isn’t at work, David spends time with his partner, Jessica, and their dog. They’re big NASCAR fans and enjoy keeping up with Notre Dame, the Cardinals, Chiefs, and Royals. He also enjoys playing video games.

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