From the Mayor’s Desk – March 2023

Dear Citizens of Fulton,

This will be my final message as your mayor, and it’s bittersweet to say the least. As the time draws close to election season, I hope you all take a few minutes to get to know the mayoral, council, and city attorney candidates. These are challenging roles, and I appreciate those who are trying to make this community a better place.

Lowe Cannell

This summer, we can all look forward to seeing the completion of our 2nd Street Bridge project. A lot of effort has been made, and it will be nice to cross that finish line. There will also be a variety of improvements to our south water tower as bids are going out at this time. We have heard from the Fulton Garden Club, and they have some improvements in store for our roundabout. I appreciate the hard work that goes into preparing and maintaining the roundabout, and we will support it in any way we can as it’s a focal point of our beautiful town. Money is tight this year; however, the city budgeted a robust street maintenance program as that’s one of our biggest assets. We have many needs within the city; we are likely going to be seeing more rate increases going forward, but I hope you know that those decisions are never made easily.

In closing, I would like to take time to thank you all for trusting me to serve for so many years as councilman and the last 4 years as your mayor. It has been a true honor and one of the greatest and most rewarding challenges. As I enter the next phase of my life, the biggest takeaway is the friendships that I’ve made. From day one, I felt that this city embraced me and helped me be the best that I could be, and I will always be grateful for that. We have a community full of servants and leaders that give so much of themselves, and that gives me confidence that we will remain in good hands. Thank you all for allowing me to serve you.

Mayor Lowe Cannell