Any City of Fulton resident who is interested in serving on a city board or commission can fill out the form online here or obtain a paper copy at City Hall. Board and commission members are appointed by the mayor and approved by the City Council.
Board of Adjustment
Board of Adjustment: Hears zoning appeals and decides if variances from the Zoning Code are warranted. Five members serving terms of five years. Current vacancies: one alternate. Meets as required at 5:15 p.m. at Fulton City Hall. Duties and information: Fulton City Code Chapter 86
Historic Preservation Commission: Educates the community on historic preservation, recommends Fulton historic properties for various designations, and advises the owners of historic properties on preservation, restoration, rehabilitation and reuse. Six members serving terms of three years. Current vacancies: one. Meets quarterly at 1 p.m. on the third Wednesday of the month at Fulton City Hall. Duties and information: Fulton City Code Chapter 62
Fulton Historical Survey – Part I | Part II(Extremely large files)
Current Members
Term Expires
Open Seat
July 2027
Carl Brauner
July 2027
Crystal Aulbur
July 2025
Robert Wise
July 2025
Warren Hollrah
July 2026
Mary Sheridan
July 2026
Jeff Stone
City Council Liaison
Human Rights Commission
Human Rights Commission: Works to foster mutual understanding and respect among all residents, prevent discriminatory practices, and promote the general welfare of the city’s senior citizens. Six members serving terms of three years. Current vacancies: one. Meets on the fifth Monday of any month at 5:15 p.m. at Fulton City Hall. Duties and information: Fulton City Code Chapter 66
Park Board: Advises the Parks and Recreation Director on programming options and facility improvements. Nine members serve terms of three years. Current vacancies: none. Meets the third Thursday of the month at 5:30p.m. at Legends Rec-Plex. Duties and information: Fulton City Code Chapter 82
Personnel Board: Oversees the development of sound personnel practices which provide for impartial and nondiscriminatory standards for all employees of the city. Six members serve terms of three years. Current vacancies: two. Meets as needed at the Fulton City Hall. Duties and information: Fulton City Code Chapter 2
Planning & Zoning Commission: Reviews applications of zoning changes, plats for potential development, and directs the development of the city’s master plan. Eight members serve terms of four years. Current vacancies: one. Meets monthly as needed on the fourth Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. at Fulton City Hall. Duties and information: Fulton City Code Chapter 86
Public Safety Commission: Oversees the development of sound public safety practices which provide for all citizens of the city. Three members selected from citizens and two appointed current employees in public safety. Current vacancies: none. Meets as needed at 5:15 p.m. at Fulton City Hall. Duties and information: Fulton City Code Chapter 2
Public Utility Board: Provides recommendations on the city’s utility rates to the City Council, reviews the Utility Department budget and capital improvements, and develops plans for the department. Five members serve terms of four years. Current vacancies: one. Meets monthly on the fourth Monday at 1:00 p.m. at Fulton City Hall. Duties and information: Fulton City Code Chapter 114