Some City of Fulton utility customers to receive credit

Today, the City of Fulton announced that some Residential Utility Customers will receive a credit on their next utility bill.

While conducting a standard review of city policies and procedures, Utilities Superintendent Darrell Dunlap noticed a clerical error involving utility billing rates that affected some residential and large & industrial customers. The average amount per residential account was $4.85. Affected residential customers will soon receive a notification informing them that this amount will be applied as a credit to their account.

“Our goal is to provide excellent service to our utility customers,” Dunlap said. “That means ensuring that accounts are being billed correctly and addressing it quickly if an error does occur.”

An external audit firm recommended policies for the city to adopt to prevent an error like this from happening in the future, and the city is currently working to implement those policies.

“I’m proud of how city leadership and the City Council have handled this situation,” said Steve Myers, Fulton’s Mayor. “We owe it to our citizens to constantly review what we are doing and improve on our policies and procedures. Moving forward we’re going to implement a number of new policies that make sure we continue to provide excellent service to Fulton residents.”

Fewer than 15 large and industrial customers were affected and the city is contacting them. The city is working with them to return their over payments.

“It’s always great to see government doing the right thing by its residents and the business community,” said Tamara Tateosian, Callaway Chamber of Commerce Executive Director. “The steps being taken by the City Council and city leadership to address this situation are critical to ensuring the continued confidence of business leaders in the city for years to come.”